Beautification Committee Meeting Minutes, 5/18/22

Attendees: Susan Wadlington, Lavinia Hutchinson, Doreen Miller, Elizabeth Doyle

Date and Location

  • Date of Plant and Bake Sale will be June 4 or June 11. Susan reached out to Rosemary Powers and June 4 is graduation but June 11 could work.  Rosemary wants to help and will let us soon asap. I will let all of you know once the date is confirmed. The Sale will be from 9:00 to 1:00.
  • As soon the date is confirmed, a flyer will be created to begin to promote the event. Susan volunteered David B to produce the flyer.
  • We will need volunteers the day of the sale so please use your networks to solicit help. If folks can’t do that day, making baked goods also helps.

Ordering and Purchasing Plants

  • Heidi M has done yeoman’s work and has reached out to Home Depot and Star Market to donate plants and the response has been positive.  Committee members will be in touch with HD and Star to secure the donations.
  • Based on experience from previous Plant and Bake Sales, the popular items have been; Hanging baskets (but not too many), fresh herbs, vegetables (especially tomatoes), familiar annuals, marigolds, petunias etc. and a small number of perennials.
  • Also want to have a Plant Swap.  The flyer should include garden donations/swap.
  • Committee members are willing to solicit donations to defray the cost of purchasing plants.  Thanks to Lavinia for reaching out to the Wildlife Garden folks.
  • If anyone has ideas for other sponsors, businesses let us know.  Their sponsorship will be promoted at the Sale and on the CSHCA Website.
  • Will need help transporting plants to the site.  Plants that are both donated and purchased will need transport. More on that later but if you or anyone you know has a pick-up that can help let us know.
  • At some point we will need to establish prices for the plants.


  • Will need tables to sell goods, make transactions and display plants and info on Membership.  Looks like we have 3 tables from Susan and either Alix or Michelle from the Events Committee. Could use a few more.
  • We’ve sold coffee in the past and it was a good seller.  Lavinia will reach out to McKenna’s to see if they will donate coffee, cups, sugar, milk, cream etc.
  • Elizabeth will work to purchase a CSHCA Banner that can be displayed at events.


  • Will need to distribute flyers to promote the event
  • Have the sale listed in the Dorchester Reporter
  • Promote on Website, Committees and other ideas??